Challenger Building Services completes latest supported living scheme
Challenger Building Services has handed over its latest supported living project for registered social landlord Blue Square Residential.
The specialised 10-bed scheme in Macclesfield is the second project completed for the company in the last two years and is on the site of the former Western pub on Earlsway. The building had lain derelict for months and had become a source of anti-social behaviour, says Challenger managing director Richard Hutchinson.
“This is a quiet and pleasant neighbourhood but the site had been attracting undesirables who were getting up to mischief. We’ve transformed the streetscape now, extending the building to provide a natural gabled form along the side elevation on Princess Way. The whole scheme sits very comfortably in its setting and I’m pleased with the end result.”
Commenting on their latest collaboration, Katy Peters of Blue Square Residential said:
“Our focus is on providing vulnerable people with good quality housing and the support they need to live as independently as possible. Many of our tenants have complex support needs and Challenger worked with us to ensure the design and build met them..
“We’re delighted with this latest project and look forward to working with Challenger Building Services again.”
The building was designed by Sale-based Howard and Seddon architects, with Philip Wright Associates from Ramsbottom retained as consulting engineers. The development took six months to complete and includes 15 parking spaces and room for 10 cycles.